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I am a hardcore Brony. Now, ask me a question and make me think. Bronies like to think! ...at least this one does!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Pyro and Lemony Become Fugitives

This is the story from 12/7-8/11 where Lemony and Pyro become fugitives after escaping from the Mayor’s office. The tweets have been ordered and combined to make sense of the story, so they are not in true sequential order. Enjoy!

Note: M is MLP_TheMayor. P is MLP_Pyro. L is MLP_Lemony. TB is MLP_TwiBot. K is MLP_Kanmeros. F is MLP_Flint

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hey look, a post!

Yes, yes, it's true. This is a post!