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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Pyro and Lemony Become Fugitives

This is the story from 12/7-8/11 where Lemony and Pyro become fugitives after escaping from the Mayor’s office. The tweets have been ordered and combined to make sense of the story, so they are not in true sequential order. Enjoy!

Note: M is MLP_TheMayor. P is MLP_Pyro. L is MLP_Lemony. TB is MLP_TwiBot. K is MLP_Kanmeros. F is MLP_Flint
Mayor: *sorts the complaint file* Oh that's a new one @mlp_pyro, Rainbow, Pinkie, @mlp_TheSniper

M: *Places the form in a green folder on her desk.* @mlp_Pyro is next.*Reads the complaint.* Oh that was naughty.

M: And that one too.Oh this should go to the @mlp_guardpony but he is such a sweet pony. I will talk to him first.

Pyro: *Sneezes*

M: Sends a TB to @mlp_pyro. If you are free I wish to talk.@MLP_TheMayor

P: *Get a TB* *Reads* Uhh... apparently @mlp_TheMayor wants to talk to me?

Lemony: *o_o* What do you think it's about?

P: Something good I hope! We should take the waffles to go and head on over to..... where is she? I've never met her!

L: The town hall?

P: *Shrugs* Probably. *Sends his new Tweet Phoenix to@mlp_themayor saying he and @mlp_lemony shall be there soon*

M: *Unlocks the door. Sees @mlp_pyro's Impressive TB.* I do love the smell of burning paperwork.

P: *Has easily fireproofed his note for @mlp_themayor*

M: *Returns @mlp_pyro's note.* I will be in my office please come on in.

L: *the waiterpony brings their waffles* Nummy! *nomnomnom*

P: Let's take 'em to go Lems. Maybe the mayor would like one!

L: *asks for a box togo* Sure! *pays*

P: Off we go then! *Gets his TP back* She says to just walk right on in...

L: *puts the waffles in her saddle bag and walks outside* You know I've never met @MLP_TheMayor, or seen her for that matter..........

P: Neither have I! *Follows*

L: *stops for a moment* /Where/ is city hall?

P: No clue! *Walks in a random direction*

L: *spots a large building in the center of town* That might be it!

P: Well let's go towards it!

L: *goes towards it*

P: *Also goes towards it*

L: *walks into the lobby and goes to the desk* We have an appointment with the Mayor!

M: *@mlp_Lemony gets directions to the top where the Mayors office is.*

P: *Thanks the pony who gives them directions and heads to the top* Let's do this!

L: *follows the directions to @MLP_TheMayor's office*

P: *Knocks, then enters @mlp_TheMayor's office* Hello? We're here!

M: Welcome @mlp_pyro, @mlp_Lemony come in have a seat

P: *Has a seat*

L: *"She knows our names! What trickery is this!?"* *takes a seat* Hello maim!

M: *smiles at the colt and filly* Do you know why I asked you here@mlp_pyro?

P: No clue. All I know is that we brought waffles! ....you kinda disturbed us in the middle of dinner...

L: *feels like she's at the principals office*

P: *Waves to @mlp_Kanmeros*

L: *looks over at @mlp_Kanmeros and waves*

M: I am sorry to have interrupted your meal @mlp_pyro. There have been complaints and before I turned it over to the guardponies I Wanted to talk it over with you. (they have food my one weakness how did they know!)

P: Complaints? About what? *Pulls out the waffles from Lemony's bag* Excuse me for this , but I am hungry... *Noms quietly*

L: *mentally begins plotting their escape root, and where she'll be hiding Pyro over the next few weeks*

M: (Oh sweet @mlp_Celestia waffles..) Well a Pegacoach driver said you were rude to him and set his coach on fire.

L: *also a method of sneaking him food without being followed*

P: *Faux, his Tweet Phoenix, takes perch on a high shelf, being careful around the papers*

P: That... wasn't even in Ponyville. Anyways, we were on our way back from Canterlot for the Hot Cocoa Social. The driver kept slowing down so I asked him quite a few times to speed it up a bit. Yes, my tone got a bit high, but the flight kept getting slower and I was peeved. /HE/ got annoyed so he dumped me and Lemony in a barren field!

M: I got the complaint..I think @mlp_Luna handles the Canterlot complains if you wish me to forward it to her?

P: /THAT/... won't be necessary! Anyways, he was flying away and wouldn't come back for us, so I fireproofed his coach and lit it on fire to try and catch his attention. He didn't bother trying anything to save it and just dropped it on the ground!

L: *"I could hide him in that spot under the floorboard where I hide those crystals, but that would be too obvious! I could also find a spot in the Everfree forest to hide him for awhile"* *hums a tune*

M: My little pony @mlp_pyro, annoyed is what happens when a filing cabinet sticks shut. You set this poor ponies coach aflame.

P: *Hopes Lemony isn't planning anything bad* *Noms another waffle... right in front of @mlp_TheMayor*

P: To get his attention! I was hoping he would land it, then we could have talked like colts!

M: Did you tell him it was fire proofed?

P: I wasn't able to!

M: *shakes her head.* Ok I will see what I can do. If I can get him to accept restitution for the damaged coach will you pay it?

P: I'll pay for the trip, but /technically/, he destroyed the coach himself!

M: *sips her tea.* I you would need a VERY good lawyer to get that one past a judge. Those are even more expensive than a coach.

P: Want a waffle?

M: I would love one @mlp_pyro, Thank you.

P: In no way did I harm the coach. It was fully fireproofed!

M: The problem is the reasonable pony test @mlp_pyro. If you do something that a reasonable pony would think is dangerous, you are responsible for any injuries or damage that result from your actions. I am trying to help.

P: *Counters* Would a reasonable pony drop his flaming coach when he knows there are to ponies almost /directly/ below him?

M: *Nibbles on the waffle.*

P: *Faux, for some reason, seems quite restless*

M: Fire is a primal fear @mlp_pyro. Please work with me on this.

L: My I'm hungry! I need a snack! *her horn glows and she spawns a small lemon which plops in her lap*

P: *Looks at Lemony* Uhh... there /are/ waffles!

L: No thanks! I need my vitamin C fix! *the lemon has a small pin on it which she conceals*

P: *Looks from @mlp_TheMayor to @mlp_Lemony, then back* The other problem is..uh... just a sec. Lems, what are you doing?

L: I'm not doing anything honey! *appleliar face* *is also sweating profoundly*

M: Ah, @mlp_pyro would you be willing to work off the debt..if we could arrange a settlement?

P: *Sighs* Yeah. Sure. I guess. Maybe I can give him a firework show for free?

L: *yawns and casually puts her arm around @mlp_pyro*

M: @mlp_pyro I was thinking of Ponyville. The years turning will be upon us. It would be nice if we had fireworks to celebrate.

L: NOW! *pulls the pin on the lemon and throws it across the room. Grabs @mlp_pyro and jumps out the window as the lemon creates a harmless lemon scented explosion* I WON'T HAVE YOU GOTO JAIL! *falls in slow-motion from the explosion*

P: *Is grabbed and dragged by @mlp_Lemony* GUAAAAAHHH!!!

M: And now they broke my window..

L: *hits the ground with a tuck and roll* *does not look at the cool yellow explosion coming from @MLP_TheMayor's office* *says a incredibly lame one-liner and takes off running with@mlp_pyro*

P: /Where are we goooooiiiing?!?!/


M: Well @mlp_Kanmeros lets go see if they hurt themselves. *Trots down the three stories from her office*

L: *runs off out of town and keeps running*

P: *Continues being dragged*


K: .@mlp_themayor are ponies always like this?

M: Not always but often enough @mlp_Kanmeros. *sighs* I do not know if this is worth calling @Mlp_MareDoWell.

TB: *trots into town for the evening, the Treebrary having closed* Hello@mlp_themayor.

M: Hello @mlp_Twibot.

TB: *glances at the broken window* What happened? Did somepony break in?

M: Out @mlp_Twibot. I do not know what got into her.

TB: Out? I do not understand. Why would anypony escape out a third story window?

M: What was that line @mlp_twilight uses. All the ponies in this town are insane?

TB: Crazy, @mlp_themayor. All the ponies in this town are crazy.


P: *Keeps being dragged* *Nothing stops an enraged Lemony*

L: *runs into the Everfree forest* We need to hide out here for a few weeks! Until the heats off!

P: *Blinkblinks* And we were doing so well too...

L: *>>.>>.........<<.<<.........* Sure the Mayor was acting all nice and agreeable! But she was just waiting to hire her high-end lawyers! Then she bribes the judge and you goto a dark dirty jailcell for life! AND LEAVE ME ALL ALONE!!!

P: I... really doubt that Lems... *@mlp_Faux finally catches up to them* Hi there!

L: *picks up @mlp_Faux and examines him* CHECK HIM FOR BUGS!!!!!

P: Wha-? He's a phoenix! Bugs won't survive on his skin!

L: You never know what /THE COLT/ is capable of!

P: *Facehoof*

L: *picks off a small bit of something that is most likely dirt* SEE??!?!

P: *Sighs* Great. Now she's probably alerted the @mlp_GuardPony....

L: She was going to do that anyway! I saved you!

P: We were just about to make a deal for the pegacoach driver!

L: I didn't trust that pony! She was /way/ too nice!

P: She was nice so she could get a waffle. I saw the way she was eyeing them!

M: ((@mlp_pyro You left the waffles! ^_^))

P: @mlp_TheMayor ((0.o' Ah hayseeds!))

L: I /still/ say she was out to get you!

P: *@mlp_faux settles in a tree to keep watch* Great... so what now? We're fugitives from the law!

M: Sends a tb to @mlp_pyro. Despite your exit, would you be willing to put on a fireworks show on the 31st. in exchange for a settlement?

L: *grabs @MLP_TheMayor's tweetbird and reads it* OBVIOUS TRAP! *rips it* ((not the bird))

L: Don't worry, we can live a totally normal life as fugitives!

P: .... how is that normal?!

L: We'll find a way! Now for dinner! We can go find something, or we can eat yummy lemons! * spawns a lemon and sucks on it*

P: *Sighs* ...just give me a lemon...

L: *passes Pyro a lemon*

F: @mlp_Lemony @mlp_pyro And just what are you two doing out here?

P: *Instinctivly throws the lemon straight at @mlp_Flint* /Who are you and how do you know our names?!?!/

L: HE'S OUT TO GET US! HE'S A DOUBLE AGENT! *grabs Pyro and runs deeper into the forest*

P: GUAH! *Is dragged once again, @mlp_Faux following*

F: Wait-- *Gets hit in the face with a lemon*

P: =_= Will you stop doing that?!

L: *does a roll and hides into a bunch of bushes* SHI SHI SHAW! *hides very well in a group of bushes* Shhhhhh!

P: *Headground* This won't go well....

L: *whispers to Pyro* We need to sneak away and find shelter! *ninja rolls through the underbrush*

L: *her and @mlp_pyro fins a large empty hollowed out tree* See! I knew we would find shelter!

L: *rolls around in mud for camouflage*

L: *gets out of the mud* Now we need to make this place more homey! *grabs a large chunck of wood lying on the ground* A door!

L: *props the "door" against the large opening in the tree*

P: How long are we going to be out here?

L: No clue!

P: How deep in the forest are we? I doubt even @mlp_MareDoWell could find us out here!

L: Yes! We are well hidden!

P: *Sighs* Next thing you know, there'll be a witch who wants to befriend every pony living out here all alone!

L: Well hopefully we won't run into anymore ponies tonight!

P: I hope you're right Lems. For our sake, I really do. *Starts a small, safe fire for warmth*

L: *puts curtains made of leaves on the "windows" of the tree-hut-thing* Good thing I always know where my towel is! *wraps herself*

P: Towel? Oh no! @mlp_Faux! Go get my towel! *Faux flies off back to their home*

L: *wraps her head* I'm warm!

P: *Faux comes back with a now very warm towel* *Wraps himself in it* Same here!

L: Sooooo......Still hungry? *spawns more lemons*

P: Actually, I'm- *Falls into a deep sleep*

L: *puts @mlp_pyro in the tree house and wraps him in the towel* Night sweetie! *goes around to plant non-lethal traps around their tree house*

L: A net trap here! A mud pit there! and several trip lemons-nades her her and here!

L: ((Yes: the exploding pin grenade lemons are now and forever called "Lemon-nades"))

L: *pulls out a detailed map of the traps and gives it to @mlp_pyrowhile he sleeps*

L: *then goes around and hunts for other non-lemon food*

L: *sees a chicken* Oh eggs for breakfast! *grabs it with magic*

L: *constructs a small cage (but comfortable) for the chicken so she can harvest eggs*

L: *covers her and @mlp_pyro's tracks so they are not found a easily*

L: *after covering her tracks and catches several items for food goes and cuddles with @mlp_pyro*

L: They'll /never/ separate us!*falls asleep wrapped an a warm towel*
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...........*has trained her snoring to be quieter*


TB: *sighs and examines the tracks* @mlp_themayor, they seem to have gone toward the forest.

M: I was afraid of that @mlp_Twibot. @mlp_Lemony could be facing vandalism charges. I am not sure if @mlp_pyro is guilty of anything here.

TB: How did he react when @mlp_Lemony did this? He may simply have been pulled along for the ride.

M: He screamed..not quite like a little filly @mlp_Twibot. *Sighs* Want to help me fill out a report for @mlp_guardpony?

TB: I see. I think it likely that he had no idea what was about to happen. I will help you with the report, if you want.

M: I would appreciate it @mlp_Twibot. Being one of the involved parties it might be seen as biased for me to write out my own report.

TB: *trots with @mlp_themayor to write a report* Which makes the situation even stranger.

M: *Trots into town hall and finds the appropriate paperwork* I should start with the statement that neither @mlp_Lemony or @mlp_pyrowere detained in any way.

TB: *has a quill and parchment at the ready* At about what time did this occur?

M: *Nods at @mlp_Twibot* I wanted to talk to @mlp_pyro concerning some complaints. I sent him a message about 2.5 hours ago.

TB: *writing it down* Invited @mlp_pyro to her office at approximately 01:00 to speak about complaints. I think the contents of the compaints are rather irrelevant to the matter at hand. Go on?

M: As @mlp_pyro and I discussed the issue @mlp_Lemony began to behave oddly. She said she was hungry but refused to eat any of the waffles they had brought with them. She created a lemon with her magic. @mlp_pyro and I had just about come to an agreement. when she threw the lemon across the room where it exploded. It was at this point @mlp_Lemony grabbed @mlp_pyroand exited out my window.

TB: Explosive lemon most likely employed as a distraction to cover window escape. Alright. Then you came down out of town hall to find them?

M: Yes, I took the stairs. When I arrived at the ground floor they were both gone. I think @mlp_Goldenflame saw their escape from the ground.

TB: *writes down this last part including the repair that was done to the window, and the direction the tracks lead* Alright, how is this? *gives @mlp_themayor the report*

M: *reviews @mlp_Twibot's Report* That seems to cover it I have to send this off to @mlp_guardpony.

TB: Well, I think I should get back to the treebrary. Unless there's something else?

M: No, thank you for your help @mlp_Twibot. This little escapade has just doubled my work for the coming day I should turn in myself.

TB: *Nods* Goodnight, Madam Mayor. *trots home* ((Goodnight!))

M: *hoofwaves to @mlp_Twibot.*

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