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I am a hardcore Brony. Now, ask me a question and make me think. Bronies like to think! ...at least this one does!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Question and Answer Time

Occasionally, I do get questions about life, or things I post, or anything random thing at all! Well, now's the time for a free-for-all question and answer session. Leave a question in the comments below and I will do my best to answer them.  Make sure that if you are questioning something I have written in the past, remind me about what I said, as my memory is not the best.


  1. I think I've figured out the question I still don't know the answer to. For something to be corrupt, there has to be power. What power does the TwitterPony Administration actually HAVE? What could they possibly do to John Q Pony?

  2. None. Absolutely none. The corruption in the TwitterPonies Administration was really during the Guest Star System, when the Player vs. Audience division was afoot.
