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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

RPing with Princess Luna

An exert from TwitterPonies on Monday, October 17, 2011

Pyro: *As Daisy takes a swig of root beer, Pyro and Lemony walk in. He stops…and he stares…* No….

Lemony: Walks into the cafe “Yes! Wait, what are we talking about now?”

Daisy: Spots Pyro standing in the doorway. “Pyro? Is that you?!” A smile forms, and then she sees 

Lemony. “Who’s she?”

Lemony: Looks over at Daisy. “Who are you?!”

Daisy: Gives Lemony a once-over. “I want to know who you are and what you’re doing with my colt!”

Lemony: Narrow her eyes in a death stare. “Your colt?! Excuse me?!?”

Daisy:  Gets up from her table and goes to the couple. “Yes my colt! He was mine in Seaddle and he 
will always be mine!!”

Lemony: Somehow manages to look even angrier. “I’ll count to three for you to get away from me and 


Pyro: Steps between the two. “Ahem *Gulp* ladies…can we, uh…sit and talk about this…?”

Lemony: “One!”

Daisy: Stays her ground

Lemony: “Two!”

Pyro: He slinks back under a table, knowing he’s going to have to sleep on the couch tonight.


Pyro: Cowers as Daisy stands and stares

Lemony: “THREE! HAVE IT YOUR WAY!” Grabs a nearby glass of juice from a nearby table and splashes it in her face.

Daisy: Stands her ground, not a flinch from the juice. “He is mine. And you will NOT take him from me!”

Luna: “Ah talk about divine intervention” Soars to the café and shortly stands at the entranc,e wings flared, looking Pyro, Lemony, and Daisy.

Lemony: Glares at Daisy before noticing Luna. “Y-y-your majesty!” Bows her head.

Pyro: He crawls out from under the table and bows along with Daisy and Lemony.

Luna: “What do I see here? Quite a few kinds of disharmony.” She glares at the three ponies. “Esplain.”

Lemony: “B-b-b-but she!” Points at Daisy shaking slightly.

Luna: Pulls lint away from her muzzle “Ah sorry, I meant Explain, please.”

Pyro: “Urm, Princess Luna, it seems an old marefriend of mine has just met my current marefriend…..” Points to Daisy and Lemony respectively.

Daisy: Stays motionless as she is no good with new ponies, especially Princesses.

Luna: Nods at Pyro. “You,” Nods at Lemony “What do you have to say?”

Lemony: “S-s-she was saying how Pyro was hers and for me to stay away from him!”

Luna: “From what I can gather though, he chose a different marefriend, is that true?” She looks at Pyro. “If yes, why?”

Pyro: “Daisy was my marefriend back in Seaddle many years ago. We haven’t seen each other for a very long time, but shortly after moving here, Lemony came along and we kind of hit it off from there…”

Luna: She looks at Pyro. “Were you not a bit hasty in choosing a new marefriend, and not even talking to your old one? And,” She looks at Daisy, “Are you not a bit clingy after not speaking with him for so long? How come you never talked to him in that time?”

Daisy: She looks up at Luna “W-well…we actually did break it off when he left Seaddle 5 years ago…I only got here a couple days ago and I guess seeing him again kind of made me lose it and remember *looks away* the good old days…”

Luna: “And the mist of the night lifts itself it seems. So if you broke it off, you have no legitimate claim on him in any kind of romantic stuff.  I can understand when the fire of passion and love burns again…but just taking it for granted is unfair to the other pony, right?”

Daisy: Looks down at the ground, ashamed. “Yes, Princess @mlp_Luna…”

Lemony: Smiles huge. “Agreed, Luna!  So wise!”

Luna: “So, you three little ponies, think we can come to a conclusion for this, in a harmonic and less juice throwing way?”

Pyro: Nods his head enthusiastically.

Daisy: Nods hers slowly.

Lemony: Lowers her head as she remembers throwing the juice. “Yeah…”

Luna: “Firstly,” She looks to Daisy, “you should reflect on why you both broke up, then look why you want him back again. And maybe find a pony that better suits your needs. As for you,” Looks to Pyro, “think about it too, please.  As for you my dear,” She looks to Lemony, “differences can be solved without throwing food. Only soldiers throw with food.” Smiles softly.

Lemony: “I’m sorry your highness! Never again!”

Luna: Nods at Lemony and waits for the other two ponies, seeing if they want to say anything.

Pyro: Bows. “Thank you, Princess Luna, for helping deviate from a potentially disastrous break in friendships!”

Daisy: Stays silent, keeping quiet unless spoken to directly.

Luna: Nods. “We really cannot have this,” Pulls everypony together for a soft group hug before she lets go. “You think you three can speak together?”

Pyro: “I’m willing!”

Daisy: Nods, slowly overcoming her fear of being in front of the Princess.

Lemony: “I’m sure we can try and talk things out…”

Luna: Smiles softly “Then let harmony again come into these walls and I can be on my way again.” Smiles softly and floats for her departure.

Pyro: Waves a hoof goodbye to Princess Luna as she departs into the night sky.

Lemony: “Goodbye Princess Luna!” Waves goodbye.

Daisy: Shuffles her hooves awkwardly.

Lemony: Still tries to keep a distance from Daisy.

Daisy: Slowly looks at Lemony. “I….I’m sorry miss….I just got caught in the moment…” Starts out the door.

Lemony: “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!”

Pyro: “Lemony!” Looks out the door, but Daisy is long gone, back at Raptor’s house for the night. He 
sadly shakes his head.

Lemony: “What?”

Pyro: Sighs. “Please treat her nicely? Before I left Seaddle…I burnt down her barn on accident…”

Lemony: “She’s still kind of a jerk though…”

Pyro: Glares at Lemony. “You threw the juice…”

Lemony: “She was in my face!”

Pyro: “Just try? Please? She’s new here; she’ll need some friends…”

Lemony: Rolls her eyes and groans. “I can try, but that is it…”

Pyro: “Thank you. Now, can we go to bed? Talking with a Princess made me tired!”

Lemony: “Yes, I’m dead tired!” Makes her way out of the cafe and to the inn.

Pyro: Follows Lemony back to the inn and is soon fast asleep.

Lemony: Falls asleep on the couch, both too tired to make it to the bed and still a little ticked off.

—Later that evening—

Luna: “I am not absolutely happy with the outcome…a new found love and a fresh one have to collide, I just hope they can be friends somehow…”

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