About Me

My photo
I am a hardcore Brony. Now, ask me a question and make me think. Bronies like to think! ...at least this one does!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Pyro and Lemony Become Fugitives

This is the story from 12/7-8/11 where Lemony and Pyro become fugitives after escaping from the Mayor’s office. The tweets have been ordered and combined to make sense of the story, so they are not in true sequential order. Enjoy!

Note: M is MLP_TheMayor. P is MLP_Pyro. L is MLP_Lemony. TB is MLP_TwiBot. K is MLP_Kanmeros. F is MLP_Flint

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hey look, a post!

Yes, yes, it's true. This is a post!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

House Blueprints

Below are the basic blueprints for my character and his family's house and workshop in the TwitterPonies RP

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Take Me Away

Just a small, sad little poem I wrote.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dear @DanielTheBrony...

I find that all my depression lately stems from seeing other people's troubles here in the #TwitterBronies and #Twitterponies. Although, my depression isn't for myself. I absolutely feel for these people who, even though I don't know them, I call brothers and sisters. All I want to do in this world is help others. It pains me when I see the troubles others are going through, and all I can do is type words. Like everybody else, I try to help by typing helpful words, but they aren't enough. I wish I could go to each person and actually HELP them. It's something I realized I want to do this past Sunday: I just want to help. I used to consider going to the army or the navy, but because of limiting physical conditions, I decided against it.I still want to help though. In some way or capacity. For those out there who feel alone, lost, dead inside: I know what it's like, but you aren't! The world is full of amazing things and people to help us! All we have to do is seek them out, open our eyes! If we do not seek them, things will not get better. If you are reading this and are depressed, here's your first thing: #TwitterBronies. This group is full of amazing people! Some insightful. Others funny. But we all share the same thing: Misery. Some more than others. Because of this shared emotion, we can ALL relate to eachother in some form or way and help each person through challenges. Now I talk directly to @DanielTheBrony . We love you and are pained by what we read. We wish to help you; Tell us how! My heart is full of sorrow at this moment for you, and only you @DanielTheBrony . I see you as a brother, someone I love with all my heart. I once was in your situation @DanielTheBrony. I had the knife to my arm, ready to cut. But the words of friends came to me. They weren't intelligible words, @DanielTheBrony, but I heard them. The voices of my friends. They held me back. They kept me from doing to myself what my father did to me emotionally, @DanielTheBrony. Now, let US be the voices to help you! .@DanielTheBrony, do not do to yourself what will cause us the same pain emotionally. As I have said before, we all love you @DanielTheBrony. And now I offer the same advice @foalpapers has given: Talk to someone. We can listen, and type support, but there is nothing like listening to an actual person, @DanielTheBrony. .@DanielTheBrony It isn't unfair to us. It lets us know there are people who feel the same way we do. Talk to us, others, parents, friends. But always remember, @DanielTheBrony, that we love you and will ALWAYS listen to you on here.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Twilight can't do Math

Something I drew while bored in Math class. :3

I think I've figured out the question I still don't know the answer to. For something to be corrupt, there has to be power. What power does the TwitterPony Administration actually HAVE? What could they possibly do to John Q Pony?

None. Absolutely none. The corruption in the TwitterPonies Administration was really during the Guest Star System, when the Player vs. Audience division was afoot.


Ask me anything http://www.formspring.me/bronyoregonian

If you could only watch one TV show what would it be?

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Ask me anything

Question and Answer Time

Occasionally, I do get questions about life, or things I post, or anything random thing at all! Well, now's the time for a free-for-all question and answer session. Leave a question in the comments below and I will do my best to answer them.  Make sure that if you are questioning something I have written in the past, remind me about what I said, as my memory is not the best.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


It sucks when you have something to say, but don't know how to say it. But I may as well try...

Monday, October 24, 2011

Mentions vs. Replies

Welcome to the world of TwitterPonies! I see that you are quite the eager pony here in Ponyville and wish to jump straight into the excitement of interacting with other strange male men (and the occasional female) called Bronies (Or Pegasisters) who crave a show meant for very young girls.

Good for you!

By now, you should have read the official guidelines as set up by the TwitterPonies moderators and should know the basic layout of the RP. If you haven’t seen these rules yet, please take a few minutes to check it out before continuing. They’re much more important! (TwitterPonies Homepage)

Read the rules? Good. Have a decent character you want to make 20% Cooler? Great! But how do you do this?

The simple way is to act as if your pony is truly who you are. Speak normally in the RP, as if you were speaking to a friend.

I’m just going to get to the point here: Mentions and Replies on Twitter. As a new player, it is essential that you mention other characters so they know that you are talking to them. Hopefully, they will follow you while they interact with you. Easiest solution in the world: No more mentioning. If they don’t, you need to mention them in each and every tweet.

Now, there’s a proper and improper way to do this. The easiest (and improper way) to do this is to just stick the name into the tweet.

ex1) “Hey there! How’s it going? (@mlp_character)”
ex2) “.@mlp_character Hey there! How’s it going?”

It doesn’t look good. Neither of them do. It gets the point across, but it looks...amateurish.

The BEST way to do this is to integrate the character’s name into each tweet so it looks natural.

ex) “Hey there @mlp_character! How’s it going?”

It flows. Done. No more to be said on mentioning.

Now, if you look back at “ex2” from the bad mentions, you’ll notice that there is a period before the name. This NEEDS to be done whenever the character name is at the beginning of a tweet! If this is not done, the tweet is then called a Reply, not a mention. That character will be able to see every mention and reply, but depending on how your Twitter is set up, not everypony following along will see the replies. This is why the integration mention system is much better.

Just use it! From experience, I KNOW your character will become much more awesome!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Joined a Game Design Club at school.

 Here's my profile picture on the forums:

The original is after the break!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

RPing with Princess Luna

An exert from TwitterPonies on Monday, October 17, 2011

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Switching to Tumblr

Yup. I'm going over to Tumblr. Check it out, see if I like it.  Visit me at bronyoregonian.tumblr.com!

Friday, October 7, 2011

EuroBeat Brony

If you don't know who this guy is, you have no soul and are NOT a true Brony! (Or Pegasister)

His newest song [Discord (EuroChaos Mix)] is simply the BEST of all his songs in my opinion!  Now, go forth and listen! Listen to Discord

For the Full Album of Volume 1, go Here.

For the Full Album of Volume 2, go Here.

Please, support the amazing EuroBeat Brony!  BUY THE ALBUMS!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Current Version of Pyro

This is the current version of my TwitterPony character. His name is Pyro Feuer and he specializes in Pyrotechnics.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


I shall do no more of it.  Period.  Unless it's for something awesome that I really feel for, then I'll do it!  But...not until then...

Friday, September 16, 2011

My Reaction to Mod

When Mod first announced that the Audience/Player wall was being more-or-less destroyed, my first reaction was shock.  I actually LIKED that wall!  As I said in a rant (Which I deleted after Mod's announcement), I awaited the day when I could join the Players and interact in an environment where everypony followed the rules and my phone wouldn't be spammed with too many ponies.

After some playing with this change, I'm actually okay with this change. One of my wishes came true: All ponies are bound by the same rules enforced (more-or-less) by Mod.  As for the spam count from ponies, I'll just have to learn to deal with it.

Holy Crap

I NEVER expected to get so many views in one day. I know, 40ish really isn't that many, but for my first real blog? It's kind of exciting!  People should tell me what they want to see on here so I can better appease my masters (You guys!)  Please do tell me! A blog without a purpose is...is...more of a journal than anything!  I really appreciate everyone who looks at the blog and love every single one of you!

I guess I should have expected the views though.  After all, who else recorded the whole speech given by the TwitterPonies Mod?!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Note from the TwitterPonies Moderator

Below is a very lengthy note from the TwitterPonies mod/Celestia.  All that is here is all that he said, the only changes being spelling.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Empty Room

Holy Crap!  This fanfic has definitely taken place as number 1 on my favorite fanfic list!  Why?
Good question.  My advice: go to http://www.equestriadaily.com and read the fanfics posted.  For some reason, this one caught my eye and after a couple chapters, I WAS HOOKED!  It's exciting! It has great characters!  Although it isn't the most well written thing out there, IT IS A-MAZING!

My List:
1. The Empty Room
2. The Elements of Discord
3. Writers Block (Or something like that)
4. Cupcakes

Cupcakes will ALWAYS be on the bottom!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Awesome Backgrounds!

Being bored and wanting a new desktop background, I did the one smart thing: GOOGLE!

After the break, look at the two I found and LOVED!

Also, Rainbow Dash is best pony. Period.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


So far, what I have read in terms of fanfics are: (in order)
1:Writer's Block
3:The Elements of Discord

My favorite? Number 3!  10 chapters so far and I am so excited for the next part to come out!

Friday, September 9, 2011

A Glitch!

What's that? I can't hear you!

It seems Photo Finish decided to get herself a third ear!  I found this accidentally when I paused the show.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


So, I have this AWESOME Kodak camera that I got for Christmas last year. It came with 4 AA batteries and a charger to go with it.  All was fine and dandy until one fateful day...I had plugged the charger in to charge my batteries like any other day, and about 10 minutes later, I smelled hot solder. After a moment's inspection around the room, I found it to be the battery charger!  I quickly unplugged it and looked at it. For some reason, it had overheated and was actually MELTING the device!  After some stuff being done which involved contacting certain people, Kodak asked for the charger back and said they would send us a new one.  What we thought we would get was the same charger with new batteries, but instead, we got this!:

I know you can't tell, but this is the UPGRADED version of the old charger!  It's, well, kind of awesome!  Thank you Kodak for being so awesome!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I'm thinking of writing my own FanFic for MLP about my character, Pyro.  It would be about his background in Seaddle, starting with a party at a very dry hay barn and him discovering his, well, magical magic.  What do you think?


So, I recently started reading some MLP fanifics.  Well, I'm on my first, but I WILL read more!  I'm currently reading "The Elements of Discord". Quite good!

Send me your suggestions for good readings!
...no Cupcakes though...

Monday, September 5, 2011

Home Once Again!

So, I'm home finally from my vacation.  Yay!  Onto pony related material: If you don't already know, there is a GREAT podcast called Bronyville that discusses many My Little Pony related material. Check them out here!

Friday, September 2, 2011

It's Friday!

And we all know what that means!


Or maybe not. It means its the day I leave on vacation up to a lake near Seattle!  Yay vacations!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Another question!!!

Two in one day? WHAT?! Well, here it is:

Any bronies live in the Willamette Valley? (Oregon)

I doubt there'd be a meetup, but it would be cool to know if any TwitterPonies live near me! :D

Lemony Citrus

Lemony Citrus...with a cutie mark!

What else should I do...

I'm not sure what else I should do on here. For now, I have a question for anypony reading this:

What led you to come to this blog?!

And I don't want just the answer of you saw it on my Twitter page. I want more to the answer!

Please comment! It'll make me happy!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Once again, new Picture!

This time I did it myself!  After some searching, I found the program that all you other bronies out there use on a website other than DeviantArt. Yay!
Obviously, The one on the left has a background, while the one on the right has none, but they are the same pony.

To create your own pony, click here!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

New Profile Pic Has Been Decided!

After much deliberation with myself, I have chosen to use Version LC1 as my new profile picture! Thank you Lemony Citrus for the great job you did!  Click here to view the A-MAZING picture!

EDIT: I went ahead and added the cutie mark to the pic:

Version LC3

The third pass-by done by Lemony Citrus

Version LC2

Second pass-by from Lemon Citrus

Peck Comparison

This is the before and after picture of my alternate account, Peck Peckington(mlp_peck). The original design was done by Night Angel (mlp_night)

Version LC1

New version done by Lemony Citrus

Version 3 Without the Background

Version 3 without the background.

Version 3

The current version is the same as the old except now Pyro is a Unicorn and has better hair.

Version 2

Second version of Pyro. I took Nightshade's old picture and used it as a template.

Version 1

This was my first attempt at Pyro Flamboy. It looks more like a llama to me...